This week saw an inauguration. That is the good news, as such happenings give me the chance to stand in crowds and rub my boner against elderly women. How ever, there was also bad news, which was the news that it was a new president who stinks. His name is Barack Hussein Obama, and I have proof that he does socialism. Here is that proof. He told a man who was a nice plumber that he wanted to spread his wealth around. Now Joe will have to fix his bank account instead of fixing pipes. He will have to install sadness in his soul instead of installing water heaters in basements. He will have to unclog his impoverished heart instead of unclogging the toilets at my office which broke because my stool is full of hair. Any how, you get a picture.
Well I am sad to say that I consider Mr. Obama a fucker. And what do fuckers have to eventually come to the realization of happening, in time? Yes you know. It is in the name of this writing. They have to find out. But as I have pointed out times and times again, I don't endorse terrorism. (The only thing I endorse is not eating rats, as their fur will indirectly cause plumbing problems, as I earlier have alluded to insinuating before.) I am very hampered by my great morals, which include a love for my country, a hate of muzzlim terrorism, a strong odor, and, a hate of terrorists. So this man Obama is the president and having him find out in a way like I have had others find out is not an option. So as it goes, I must find a peaceful way to make our Fucker In Chief find out.
I have a feeling that this could take a while, or several whiles. Stay tooned and check this "weblog" often for updates in my quest to make him find out. God speeds.
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